01/01/2011 00:00
A consultant/consulting team crafts a strategy for you. A coach assists you in crafting your own strategy. These sentences are, of course, an oversimplification. One may make the following distinctions:
· Teach: to cause to know how to do something, with the...
01/01/2011 00:00
Consulting projects (engagements) may be performed by in-house teams, or by bringing in an external management consultancy. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. A common weakness of the in-house team is for it to lack the breadth of vision that an outside perspective gives. The...
01/01/2011 00:00
To contrast executive coaches with those from team sports: the latter have three key roles: "staffing," "training" and "strategy." Staffing consists of deciding who is on the team, what positions they are going to play, and attracting stars to the team. Training consists...
01/01/2011 00:00
Coaches may be subsumed into several categories, such as internal and external and hard and soft. The internal coach (mentor) knows corporate politics and understands the culture, not just "That is how it is done here", but "That is why it is done this way here.” His...
01/01/2011 00:00
“Fewer than one-fourth of the respondents said they provide any kind of quantitative data on business outcomes of the coaching.” The statement was made by David P. Peterson of Personnel Decisions International on the basis of a survey he...
01/01/2011 00:00
“Significantly, coaches were evenly split on the importance of certification. Although a number of respondents said that the field is filled with charlatans, many of them lack confidence that certification on its own is reliable."
01/01/2011 00:00
The 360o feedback, Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI), Action Research (AR) and the GROW model are four common approaches in psychology-based ("soft") coaching. A fifth, the Nescience Method (NM), is taught in some coaching programs but lacks credibility in the...
01/01/2011 00:00
A good strategy forum or blog would be a useful "nice-to-have" addition to any strategist´s toolkit, from the interested MBA student to the CEO of a multinational. However when one enters variations of "corporate strategy forum" in google, one gets...
01/01/2011 00:00
Executive coaching is still in its infancy. It is, however, a remarkably old infant, going to back to Telemachus in Greek mythology (cf. Appendix I). It hit the billion dollar business mark in the U.S. at the turn of the millennium. However that is tiny compared to its ...
01/01/2010 00:00
In the HBR Research Report, “What Can Coaches Do for You?” by Diane Coutu and Carol Kaufman in January, 2009 there is a survey of rates. The low was $200 an hour, the high $3,500 an hour and the median hourly cost of coaching was $500. (The high is less than that for management...