Tools & Techniques of Strategy, a Survey
To: CEO´s, Members of the C-Suite, Entrepreneurs and other “Stakeholders in Strategy”
My name is Magdaléna Dušková. As a graduate student at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia I wrote my Master's thesis on Corporate Strategy for Professor Ivana Hudáková, Ing., PhD. To contrast theory with practice, I had a questionnaire about Strategy Tools and their delivery. I tried to make it user-friendly and short, and wish to continue the research with view to publication and pursuing doctoral studies.
A survey based on the questionnaire responses will be published in May 2012 on this website. If you would like further information, a copy of a longer pdf report, or if you have any suggestions, please E-Mail me at mag.duskova@gmail.com.
If you could take a minute to complete the questionnaire I would really appreciate it!
Yours sincerely,
Magdaléna Dušková
P.S. The Story Behind My Thesis Research
First, I would like to acknowledge the Erasmus Scholarships for an award for the summer of 2010 that partly funded the orignal research as well as the Munich chapter of the German-American Business Club for being the first organization to distribute the questionnaire for me.
Corporate Strategy is the general subject. I think the reader can appreciate that as graduate student my head was just full of theories from books and articles, such as those by Peter F. Drucker, Michael E. Porter, Henry Mintzberg, etc. I wanted to contrast this theory with what companies actually do.
The impetus for the research, and for making it an on-going project, comes from Darrel K. Rigby. He is the partner at Bain & Company who in 1993 launched the Management Tools Survey. Of the 25 Tools and Techniques surveyed, one of them is “Strategic Planning.” Reviewing this work led to my deciding to do research on the Tools & Techniques of Strategy. Similar to Darrel Rigby, I wish to determine the "life cycles"– and effectiveness – of different strategy tools. Thanks for filling out the questionnaire!
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