Advisory Board of Directors
Bridges intends to form an advisory board of directors. The board will convene on a triad basis rather than the traditional quarterly one. The board should function more on a netweaving basis than a networking one. Traditional networking is based on meeting people (whether at a convention or merely in the course of business) on the basis of "What can you do for me?" This attitude especially applies to sales, including selling oneself.
Netweaving is based on the basis of "What can I do for you?" Bob Littel has written Power Netweaving and The Heart and Art of Netweaving. (The sales proceeds from both books are devoted to charity.) The reviews indicate that the books are a little simplistic, not really aimed at the academically inclined. Regardless, his website, www.netweaving.com, which features a short video, explains the concept well.
The aspiration of Bridges is that serving on its advisory board will be an enjoyable and useful activity. Some of the ideas exchanged at meetings will also be applicable to the board members´ other endeavors.
Few people had more connections than Goethe in his day with his dual life of author/poet and attorney/counselor to the government. One of his aphorisms is that someone who does not help others does not help himself:
Wer nichts für andere tut,
der tut auch nichts für sich.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
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