Tool 8: Z-scores and ZEBRAS
Z-score (1968) (bankruptcy liklihood ratio) Edward Altman (NYU) and the associated ZEBRA acquistion procedure, BridgeS EC (2010) cash flow
ZEBRA: A Rotschild was one of the few who managed it, with a horse and carriage pulled by zebras.) Wikipedia, in public domain: Wikipedia heading under the picture: Walter Rothschild1 with his famed zebra carriage, which he drove to Buckingham Palace to demonstrate the tame character of Zebras to the public. Rothschild is one of the few who have been able to tame zebras, difficult because of their unpredictablity and tendency to panic. Zebras, like most herd animals, are highly social. They have excellent senses, and, although slower than horses, have more endurance. Footnote 1: Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (1868 - 1937), reluctant banker and famed zoologist, had a collection that included 300,000 bird skins and 2,250,000 butterflies. One millipede, two reptiles, three spiders, three fish, 17 mammals (including a giraff), 58 birds and 153 insects bear his name. Z Essential Before Risking Acquisition
Z-score, Evaluate, BATNA* RMS, Alternatives Strategy bankruptcy people, relative mkt share Act promptly re: company/negt.
ZEBRA3 = Z3 E3 B3 R3 A3 S3 Z3 Z oom in at the Z ero hour with Z ip! E3 E vangelize E xecution E xcellence, with a B3 B ig B uzzing B ag of Marketing & Strategy Tools. (CRM, Social Media; SWOT, TOC, Value Chains) R3 R ealize R ecurring R eturns on invesment (ROI), for A3 A cclaimed, A ccelerating A chievements, the foundation for S3 S ustaining S trategic S uccess