The Coach´s Active Procedures -the  CAPs

DRAFT        DRAFT        DRAFT      DRAFT        DRAFT
THE Q SHIP ODYSSES: co-explorer, co-cartographer, co-navigator Move the conflict aggrevation prevention to strategy repair.



"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things." Issac Newton (1643-1727)

Caping A Strategy  (to cap = to seal; to follow with something more notable or significant)
1.  Client Acceptance Process -  the prerequisite initial CAP
2. Conceptualizing And Preparing - the coach as co-explorer    Coach as Co-Explorer
3. Coordinating And Planing  -co-cartographer    Coach as Co-Cartographer
4. Commitment Assurement Process - co-negotiatior                     Consensus Assurement Process  Coach as Co-Messenger
5. Conflict Aggrevation Prevention   -    co-mediator                     
6. Continuous Achievement Power - co-achiever    ---    Co-Navigator
The first CAP is discussed at "About Us" on the subpage "Client Selection."   The "CAP"s 2, 3, and 4 are elaborated upon in the subpages listed on the menu at the right.  Attempting to apply the CAPs in entirety in concatenation is not recommended. They are intended as modules, to be re-ordered, adapted and modified according to the requirements of that particular coaching assignment.  Adaptation consists of compressing, condensing and simplifying a CAP before using it.  CAPS 5 and 6 are implicitly treated in Negotiation Strategy because achieving consensus (#5) and resolving conflicts (#6) depend on negotiation. 
The "caping cape" of continuous achievement, i.e. sustaining the competetive advantage, is Bridges´ultimate coaching goal -- and the driver for our results based billing.

The scope of strategy formation is broad indeed, and this is reflected in the breadth of the Discovery Process presented below.   In practice formation is greatly compressed.  Only a small fraction of the formation issues mentioned above may be relevant, depending upon the goals.  These can range from  culturally "tweaking"  a strategy for a new market to striving for a paradigm shift in an industry.