E-Books to Buy! Four Blue Star Systems for Business Growth + The People of Blue Hair, A Global Warming Fabel with 10 Q & A
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I. E-Book Overview
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Full version with photos, cartoons, embedded video links and COUPONS offering for recommended services:
- $8.95 or 8.95€
III. Features & Benefits VERSUS Drawbacks & Disadvantages
IV. Ordering hints and tips
V. Publishing Your Own E-Book
The "Don't Be This Person" Series
1 - Don't Start This Business! a get-it-done guide for entrepreneurs Do Be a Team Entrepreneur with a Step by Step System
2 - Don't be an Internet "make money on-line" Groupie! a review of the products and training offered by leading Internet gurus - Do Become an Internet Content Marketer with a Step by Step System
3 - Don't Be This Negotiator! a framework for negotiating better business outcomes Do Be a Prepared Negotiator with a Step by Step System
4 - Don't Be a Wannabe Harvard MBA! winning the top school admissions game Do Be a Star Candidate with a Step by Step System
5 - Don't Be a Global Climate Ignoramus! The Fable of the People of Blue Hair - asking 10 timely questions about climate change. Do Become a Knowledgable Debater, whether you reach a "pro" or a "con" conclusion.
Our interactive E-books are priced at 8,95€ or $8.95. Take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations and buy it with the "cheaper" currency! There is more about this at IV. Ordering Hints and Tips. The E-books' individual subpages give further information.
A. Features & Benefits
1 - The Step-by-Step Systems really do work, for most users, most of the time. That is why we are able to offer our Q3 guarantee (cf. 6 below).
2 - BLUE STARS: These are coupons that offer significant discounts for a follow-on program such as a seminar or workshop. Using the coupon entails a saving of a multiple of the purchase price of the E-book.
3 - Embedded Videos: Links to YouTube videos are given. These add an entire new dimension to the material, bringing it to life.
4 - Two Embedded Dictionaries: The first is the Google translator and the second an English to English dictionary. You only have to click on a word to see its meaning. This feature is especially useful for the many readers of English for whom it is a second language.
5 - Surveys: After completing a survey you can receive the results. You gain insight into the extent that others share your views - or have dramatically different opinions. In some instances the survey results may be accompanied with a follow-on report (at no extra charge, of course).
6 - The Bridges Q3-Gurantee: no Quibbles, no Questions, no Quest for satisfaction. If at any time you are dissatisfied with your E-Book for any reason (the information did not help, was irrelevant or just not a good fit for you), just let us know for a prompt refund. Our only requirement is for proof of purchase. With the refund comes a short questionnaire. We hope you think it is fair to give us feedback on why you were dissatisfied after you have gotten your money back.
B. Drawbacks and Disadvantages
1 - The Step by Step Systems require work, hard work over a significant period of time. There are no legitimate books or programs that enable someone to become an "instant doctor," "instant attorney," "instant engineer," "instant pilot," or "instantly" to become a professional athlete, a millionaire, to master a foreign language, etc. There are not that many "instant Rock Stars" either. They may seem to appear suddenly out of nowhere. However if you look into their previous lives as nonentities, you will find many of them had already started with music as young children.
Sorry, but Tim Ferriss is selling a pipe dream in his books The 4-hour Work Week and The 4-hour Body. He actually works long hours, relentlessly promoting his books. Working out four hours a day, 28 hours a week, will indeed make you physically fit. Four hours a week might do it too, if conducted with enough intensity. However Tim Ferriss has the temerity to suggest spending four hours a month in the gym! Suggest to any Olympic or professional athlete, with the advantage of those remarkable genes, that he could be fit for his sport with an effort of four hours a month and he will roll on the floor with laughter.
Four hours a week will certainly get you through any of the E-Books rapidly enough. But putting the system into practice, taking the steps, one after the other, is what produces results. And doing so requires significant, persistant effort. Think of investing ten hours to gain familiarity, one hundred hours for a good start, and a thousand to achieve significant results on which you can build.
2 - BLUE STARS: Although the coupon discounts are significant, the cost of the seminar or workshop remains high. The coupons are for premium programs, correspondingly priced. Furthermore one needs to add travel and hotel costs.
3 - The Reading Experience is just not the same as with a real book. One can not go back and forth among chapters easily. There is no whispering rustle as you turn the pages. There is no faint, pleasant aroma eliciting sub-conscious hints of adventure and romance, or of foregone painstaking scholars.
4 - Studying: Highlighting, underlying and writing penciled notes in the margin all have electronic equivalents, yes, but they are awkward, clumsy and inadequate.
5 - Photocopying: We try to provide real value for the modest purchase price. Therefore we deliberately chose to make the E-books a little harder to copy. (The ease of photocopying is a major advantage of a book on paper.) Again, there are electronic equivalents, the obvious one being taking screenshots page by page. However we trust that the effort entailed would hardly be worth the money saved from not buying another copy.
6 - Collecting/Re-selling: Works on paper, ranging from a single sheet to a 1,000+ page leather bound tome, can appreciate in value. And even if the value does not significantly rise, volumes nicely arranged on decorative bookshelves add to the appearance of one‘s home. There is not much aesthetic appeal to an E-book's exterior (e.g. a USB stick or the hard drive). You are unlikely to be able to re-sell it at a nice profit 10 -- or 30 -- years after purchasing it either.