Negotiation Bibliography
Negotiation Resources
Part II
Journals/Books, Software/Videos
An Annotated Bibliography
© BridgeS E C
Even a book length listing of resources would still be wanting; therefore no pretension to completeness is made here. The intention of this introductory bibliography is to serve as a point of departure. Another point of departure is, of course, surfing the Internet. A good start towards negotiating expertise can be made with one synopsis and two websites:
Negotiation Advice: A Synopsis, Michael Wheeler, Harvard Business School (9-905-059), 2009, 11 pages. It may be ordered (pdf or hard copy, about $7) at the link. A two page “synopsis of the synopsis” opens the Bridges section “Negotiation Strategy” at Services.
PON, the Program on Negotiation, is a research and training consortium run by Harvard Law School. PON is summarized below at Organizations. It offers some good free materials and a description of courses and training, ranging from 1-day open seminars to 12-week courses (for graduate students).
PON Clearinghouse is a resource center for negotiation research and education. It includes an extensive annotated bibliography of articles as well as Videos, DVDs, Case Studies and Working Papers. The three main categories in the treatment of negotiation are advisory, empirical and behavioral.
Most of the sources cited here are advisory. The empirical literature largely reflects mathematical models of rational behavior from economics (subjective utility theory) and game theory. They typically treat a narrow range of variables, such as concession making, usually for the case of two party negotiations. The behavioral category attempts to develop and test predictive theory about the impact of the negotiating environment (constraints and conditions) on the negotiators and on the outcome.
Journals and books marked with one, two or three exclamation points (!) are particularly recommended. After Journals half a dozen books in German are treated, before going to the main section of English ones.
Hewlett Conference 2000: focused on negotiation pedagogy at Harvard. It was supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. One hundred scholars from twenty universities and negotiation research centers presented their findings in five major fields of negotiation: law, business, international relations and public policy and planning.
Harvard Business Review publishes from time to time articles about negotiation.
International Negotiation, A Journal of Theory and Practice is a Dutch publication that appears three times a year at $50 an issue.
Journal of Conflict Resolution begun in 1957 will sometimes address negotiation issues within a broad political context.
!! The Negotiation Journal, begun in 1985 used to be published quarterly by Plenum, NY. Apparently it is now published by Wiley-Blackwell, which has rather peculiar pricing (2010). As an individual, if you are in an Euro zone an annual subscription is 93€. If you are in a non-Euro zone, for instance in poverty stricken Switzerland, you pay 62€. Individuals receive both on-line and print versions. Only institutions can elect to receive the on-line version alone. In that case, the institution is granted a whopping ten (10) percent discount! This publisher does not appear to have grasped the basic concepts of E-zine cost accounting yet.
Regardless, the journal itself is replete with excellent articles, including international case studies and guidelines for teaching negotiation courses. Bridges has excerpts from a couple of dozen particularly noteworthy articles accumulated over the years. A “rainy day” project is to update this bibliography with them. In any event the reader is directed to the comprehensive annotated bibliography of negotiation articles at the PON Clearinghouse mentioned above.
Negotiator Magazine edited by John Baker has ca. 325 articles on its website.
Sloan Management Review of M.I.T. also occasionally publishes articles about negotiation.
NOTE: Annotating German books in German seems reasonable. After all, if you don´t read German, an annotation in English is irrelevant, unless it goes into considerable detail. In any case, only a dozen German books are treated. The first four of these are translations out of English. The originals are discussed in the longer English section, which follows the below.
! Bryan Burrough und John Helgar, Die Nabisco Story, Ein Unternehmen wird geplündert, 1993 (, ca. 30€), übersetzt von Barbarians at the Gate, the Fall of RJR Nabisco, 1991. Bryan Burrough hat die Ereignisse um Nabisco, damals die größte Firmenübernahme in der amerikanischen Geschichte, aktuell im Wall Street Journal berichtet – spannender Lesestoff über durchtriebene Winkeladvokaten, gewiefte Vorstandsmitglieder, wuchtige/wühlerische Aufsichtsratskonferenzen und allerlei Machenschaften. Es ist auch ein Hollywood-Film, vgl. Videos.
! Frederick Forsyth, Der Unterhändler, Piper (Taschenbuch), 2009 ( 10€), übersetzt von The Negotiator, 1990. Die Geschichte handelt von einer Verschwörung gegen den Präsidenten der Vereigneten Staaten und ist nicht nur ein kurzweiliger Thriller sondern auch eine gute Darstellung von Verhandlungstechniken.
!!! Robert Greene, Power, Die 48 Gesetzte der Macht, dtv 2001, übersetzt von The 48 Laws of Power, 1998. Obwohl kein Verhandlungsbuch als solches, reich an relevanten, provozierenden Fallstudien -- von chinesischen Herrschern vor 1000 Jahren bis hin zu modernen Unternehmern -- und sehr als Hintergrund zu empfehlen.
!! Henry Kissinger, Memoiren in drei Bände: (1) 1968 - 70, (2)1970 – 72, (3) 1972 – 74, C. Bertelsmann, übersetzt von White House Years 1968-1972 (pub. 1979) und (zum Teil) vonYears of Upheaval 1973-1977 (pub. 1982). Henry Kissinger, einer der wichtigsten Staatsmänner des 20. Jahrhunderts und mit Abstand der bedeutendste U.S.-Außenminister, hat ein Dutzend Bücher geschrieben. Die Memoiren schließen Beschreibungen der Verhandlungen über das Ende des Vietnamkrieges und über die Aufnahme der diplomatischen Beziehung zwischen den Staaten und China ein.
Kare Anderson, Wie Sie erreichen, was Sie wollen, (Der sichere Weg zum Verhandlungserfolg, 100 Techniken für eine gute und effektive Gesprächsführung) Heyne Campus Taschenbuch,1997, übersetzt von Getting What You Want (1993). Ihr Konzept "Dreiecks-Gespräch" sowie die anderen Vorschläge sind solide, jedoch mehr in die Richtung von was man in Verkaufsbüchern liest.
Michael C. und Mimi Donaldson, Erfolgreich Verhandeln für Dummies, Überzeugen ohne Frust, Thomson Pub. 1998, übersetzt von Negotiating for Dummies, 1997. Das Buch gehört zur berühmten "Dummies" Folge (Gesamtauflage: 50 Millionen). Michael Donaldson ist ein ehemaliger Marine Corps Offizier (wie der Star-Trainer Ed Brodow auch) und ein Rechtsanwalt mit dem Hauptgebiet "Entertainment". Seine Frau Mimi, die Co-Autorin, ist eine Unternehmensberaterin und auch ein Trainer für Fortune 500 Firmen. Das vorletzte Kapitel ist gut und ungewöhnlich: "Zehn Videos, aus denen Sie viel lernen können.” Einige davon werden zum Schluß in dieser Bibliographie angegeben.
! Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton, und Ulrich Egger, Das Harvard-Konzept, Der Klassiker der Verhandlungstechnik von Campus Verlag (Taschenbuch), 2009 ( 25€, auch als Hörbuch (Audio CD) 30€, übersetzt von Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 1981. Obwohl veraltet, das Buch ist trotzdem als Ausgangspunkt zu empfehlen.
Franz Goossens, Konferenz- und Verhandlungnstechniken Wilhelm Heyne Taschenbuch, 1981, eins von 28 Geschäftsbüchern, die Dr. Goossens geschrieben hat, um sein Seminargeschäft zu untermauern. Es wurde 1989 in die spanische Sprache übersetzt: Técnicas de discusión y negociación, NH Hoteles.
Wilfred Hartig, Modernes Verhandeln (Grundlagen - Leitlinien-Fallbeispiele) Sauer Verlag, 1995. Das letzte Drittel des Buches gibt eine interessante Zusammenfassung der Verhandlungsgeschichte ab. Jemand, der über sieben Seiten einem Hamilton widmet, wird von mir schonend behandelt. Jedoch was wir hier haben ist eigentlich eine Habilitationsschrift, leider mit Behördendeutsch behaftet: Polysemie, Kinesik, Proxemik, Mimognomik, Phonognomik, usw.
Robert Mayer, Der Verhandlungskünstler (Wie Sie clever, kompetent und überzeugend jede private und geschäftliche Situation meistern) Wirtschaftsverlag Überrünter 1998, übersetzt von Power Plays, 1996. Mayer ist ein Rechtsanwalt in Kalifornien. Die letzten 115 Seiten des unterhaltsamen Buches stellen Vorschläge für verschiedene Verhandlungen vor: den Erwerb eines Franchisinggeschäfts, Kauf eines Hauses, Durchsetzung einer Scheidung, usw.
Wolfgang Salewski, Die Kunst des Verhandelns, Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008. Der Verfasser hat achtbare Erfahrung, unter anderem Verhandeln mit Terroristen. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf menschlicher Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation (was der erste Teil ausmacht), obwohl Teil 2 Verhandlungen in der Praxis behandelt. Leider kommen abenteuerliche Erlebnisse kaum zur Geltung, werden nur nebenbei erwähnt, vielleicht weil der Autor darüber in zwei früheren Werken Geiselnahme und erpresserischer Menschenraub, 1976 und Die neue Gewalt, 1978 geschrieben hat. Als Anhang erscheint sehr nutzvolle „Leitfaden für erfolgreiche Verhandlungen“ mit an die 30 Fragen, die gestellt werden sollten. In der Bibliographie erscheinen nur ein paar Verhandlungsbücher, dagegen etwa 30 über Kommunikation, Wahrnehmung, usw.
Wolf Ruede-Wissman, Satanische Verhandlungskunst ... und wie man sich dagegen wehrt, Gondrom 1993. Der Verfasser ist ein deutscher Rechtsanwalt, der sich hier vorwiegend mit der Rhetorik beschäftigt.
! Bryan Burrough and John Helgar, Barbarians at the Gate, the Fall of RJR Nabisco, 1991, (, ca. $20). Bryan Burrough covered the Nabisco acquisition, up to then the largest in U.S. history, for the Wall St. Journal. The book reads like a thriller, describing the machinations of opposing board members and the shenanigans of various shysters and pettifoggers. It is also a Hollywood film, cf. Videos.
! Frederick Forsyth, The Negotiator, 1990, (paperback,, $8). The story is about a conspiracy directed against the President of the U.S. Besides being an entertaining thriller, the book gives a good description of negotiating techniques.
!!! Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, 1998, paperback ( $12). Although not a negotiating book per se, it is full of provocative case studies about power. These range from Chinese rulers a millennium ago to modern entrepreneurs -- and even con men!
!!! Charles Hampden-Turner, Fons Trompenaars, Building Cross-Cultural Competence, How to create wealth from conflicting values, Wiley, 2000 ( $35). These are the authorities on the role of culture in business. For anyone who negotiates internationally, the book provides crucial background information.
Walter Isaacson, Kissinger, a Biography, Simon & Schuster, 1992 – a successful attempt at an objective biography.
!! Henry Kissinger, White House Years 1968-1972 (pub. 1979); Years of Upheaval 1973-1977 (pub. 1982); Diplomacy (pub. 1995). Henry Kissinger, one of the most important statesmen of the 20th century and by far the most important U.S. Secretary of State, has written a dozen books. The first two above include descriptions of international negotiations – to end the Vietnam war and to re-establish relations with China. The third is a review of the history of diplomacy, beginning with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the Thirty Years War.
!! Harvey Mackay, Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive, William Morrow & Co.,1988 (also available as a paperback, $12). The first part of Chapter II of this bestseller business classic is about a botched attempt by four Iranians, successful real estate developers in Canada, to negotiate a $1.5 billion development in the U.S., which would have created 40,000 jobs. Chapter III, "Harvey MacKay’s Short Course on Negotiation" (pp. 89-113) presents thirteen lessons well worth heeding.
The first section consists of about 30 books that have been read, some diligently, some merely skimmed in a couple hours in a library. These are briefly annotated. The ones found most useful are designated with exclamation points ( ! ). The second section consists of another 20-odd books not read, but which have been recommended by acquaintances or referred to favorably in other publications. Many of the books below also have bibliographies. Some of them are extensive, such as the one in John Churchman´s book that lists 240 works. Unfortunately these bibliographies are not annotated.
I. Annotated Bibliography
Karl and Steve Albrecht, Added Value Negotiating, Irwin Books 1993, translated into Spanish as: Cómo Negociar con Exito, Grancia 1994. The translation is a very readable Spanish, also for someone with a limited command of the language. Jargon and "high fog factor" sentences are kept to a minimum. The book´s concepts are fairly standard and there is little new here for anyone familiar with some of the better-known works cited below.
Max H. Bazermann, Margaret A. Neale, Cognition and Rationality in Negotiation, Free Press 1991. This is an academic book, focusing on the negotiator’s decision-making process. It is in part based upon, and extends, Howard Raffia’s The Art and Science of Negotiation, q.v.
Ed Brodow, Negotiating Boot Camp, How to Resolve Conflict, Satisfy Customers, and Make Better Deals, 2006 (, $14). Brodow is one of the premier negotiating trainers in the U.S. (and also an actor with Hollywood film credits). He has written an entertaining book with good content. The book is probably most useful as a refresher for anyone who attends his seminar. ("Learning by controlled doing" is a far better way to improve one´s negotiation skills than reading.)
Bert R. Brown, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation, Academic Press, 1975. This academic book gives a good treatment of time limits (with an interesting Korean example) and of the role of differences in background, including one’s sex. It cites 20 studies that demonstrate that men behave more cooperatively than women, and 27 studies that demonstrate that women behave more cooperatively than men -- ample evidence to support anyone’s conclusion of preference!
!! John Camp, Start with No, Random House, 2002. "(win-win) is the worst possible way to get the best deal. This is the dirty little secret of corporate America." This provocative statement appears on the dustjacket´s inside flyleaf. John Camp´s attack of win-win, specifically of the classic Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury, is not entirely legitimate. The latter two authors certainly do no advocate rolling over and meekly accommodating to unreasonable demands. Furthermore John Camp by no means advocates a ruthless "scorched earth, take no prisoners" approach to negotiation either.
Nevertheless, anyone who is not particularly aggressive, somewhat inclined to give in, reluctant to confront an issue, and who avoids conflict may be taken advantage of in a presumed win-win scenario. In fact, these "anyone´s" far outnumber the aggressive, stubborn, seek confrontation, thrive on conflict warriors. Therefore most people should read this book as a very useful and sobering counterpoint to excessive win-win enthusiasm.
Peter J. Carnevale, Dean G. Pruitt, Negotiation in Social Conflict, Open U. Press, 1993. This academic book has some good brief comments about refocusing questions to construct win-win agreements.
David Churchman, Negotiation, Process, Tactics, Theory, University Press of America. This solid book has good brief explanations of Boulwarism,* Linkage, Pareto Optimal Frontier, Reverse Auction, and Sibylline Books.** In a prolegomenon about negotiation theory it has an excellent treatment of the dual concern model. The bibliography is extensive, listing some 240 works on negotiation.
* A Boulwarism is a “take it or leave it” offer or counter-offer that is not meant to be negotiated. The term stems from Lemuel Boulware, a former vice president of General Electric (GE). He became (in)famous for telling the International Union of Electrical Workers (IUE) at the onset of negotiations that GE had already evaluated the needs of the workers. Consequently he was making GE´s "first, last and best offer" on the table immediately.
** Sibylline Books are not to be confused with the so-called Sibylline Oracles, twelve books of prophesies thought to be of Judaic-Christian origin. The Sibylline Books were a collection of oracular utterances, purchased from a sibyl by the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus. They were consulted at momentous crises through the history of the Republic and the Empire. Only fragments have survived, the rest being lost or deliberately destroyed.
“The story of the acquisition of the Sibylline Books by Tarquinius is one of the famous mythic elements of Roman history. The Cumaean Sibyl offered to Tarquinius nine books of these prophecies; and as the king declined to purchase them, owing to the exorbitant price she demanded, she burned three and offered the remaining six to Tarquinius at the same stiff price, which he again refused, whereupon she burned three more and repeated her offer. Tarquinius then relented and purchased the last three at the full original price and had them preserved in a vault beneath the Capitoline temple of Jupiter.” (Wikipedia, 2010.)
! Herb Cohen, You Can Negotiate Anything, Lyle Stuart Inc. 1980 (paperback, $8). This well written classic by a famous U.S. attorney covers power, time, information, and win-lose versus win-win styles. The anecdotes are amusing and relevant today.
Negotiate This, By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much, Warner Books, 2003. An entertaining follow-up with current anecdotes, but this book is not quite as solid its classic predecessor.
!!! Charles B. Craver, Effective Legal Negotiation and Settlement, 1986, last revised 2009. The author, a Professor of Law at George Washington University, has written a solid textbook used at over 60 American law schools. There is extensive treatment of negotiating techniques (29 of them!) and a welcome emphasis on the value of conducting negotiation post-mortems. Especially noteworthy is an Appendix with Negotiation Exercises. If one is dealing with attorneys in a negotiation, then the likelihood of their having used either this textbook or a similar one is high. Therefore examining it carefully as part of one´s preparation is advisable.
The Intelligent Negotiator, 2002. This book is not aimed specifically at attorneys. An important point is that one should adapt one’s negotiating style to the circumstances. Sometimes Competitive-Adversarial is appropriate, sometimes Cooperative-Problem Solving, and sometimes an innovative approach, a hybrid of the conventional win/lose and win/win. Stubborn reliance on a single negotiating style is, sooner or later, a prescription for disaster.
John G. Cross, The Economics of Bargaining Basic Books, 1969. The author is a PhD out of Princeton who gives a quantitative treatment of bargaining situations: game theory, the bargaining model of Zeuthen (1930), the Nash model, a static model of the choice of disagreement costs, etc. One needs a quantitative background and some familiarity with utility theory to understand this book.
! Roger Fisher, Bruce Patton, William Ury Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Penguin, 1983, (paperback, $14). The book stems in part from the research at the Project on Negotiation, PON, a consortium of Harvard, M.I.T., Simons and Tufts. This classic in clear, precise English provides excellent guidance to strategy. It has been translated into 20 languages and sold over 5 million copies.
The publication of the German translation of this book as Das Harvard Konzept has made it the best-known U.S. negotiating book in Germany, although in the U.S. more recent ones have superceded it.
Dean Allen Foster, Bargaining Across Borders, How to negotiate business successfully anywhere in the world, McGraw-Hill, 1992. This book is stronger on the cultural aspects of international business than on negotiating theory and practice. However part two, "Americans at the International Negotiating Table" is worthwhile. Unfortunately the book devotes only three pages (172-175) to the specific differences between U.S. and German negotiating styles. The treatment of China is scattered throughout the book, albeit more extensive, taking up some 20 pages in all.
P.H. Gulliver, Disputes and Negotiations, a cross-cultural perspective, 1979. This book has an anthropological orientation. Two case studies are particularly appealing. The first takes place in Tanzania (one of the more interesting countries the reviewer has done business in) and the second is an industrial dispute in America. The common denominator to the cases was that dyadic* agreement was impossible, the status quo unbearable.
*dyadic: two persons in a sociologically significant relationship, e.g. husband and wife, teacher and pupil (Webster’s III) – or employer and employee.
Chester L. Karrass, The Negotiating Game, Irving Pirkins, 1970, revised 1992. This book is superseded by the "bible", cf. below.
Give & Take has less emphasis on win-win than the "bible.” Two noteworthy sections are "ten dumb mistakes" and a questionnaire with 61 items with a possible score range of -668 to +724. The questionnaire, adapted, is well suited as introductory material for a seminar.
!!! "In Business as in Life - You Don’t Get What You Deserve, You Get What You Negotiate", Stanford St. Press, 1996 (hardcover, $6 – the best bargain among negotiating books). The back of the dust jacket refers to this book, legitimately, as "the bible of negotiation." It and The Negotiating Game are distributed to everyone (about 35,000 people a year) who attends one of the Karrass negotiating seminars. The company is discussed at “Seminars” above.
The 400-page book provides more thorough information than what is presented in the seminar. A detailed, well-organized treatment of hard nose win-lose tactics on the one hand is balanced by an attractive emphasis and imaginative treatment of win-win tactics on the other. If you only read one book about negotiating, than this is the one to read.
Gavin Kennedy, Everything is Negotiable, How to get the best deal every time, Random House, 1982, reprinted 2008. The author founded Negotiate Ltd. in 1986, discussed at Trainers, above. The book has an ingenious format. At the beginning of each chapter there is a self-assessment test. After reading the chapter, you come to an annotated version of the test, relating it to the chapter. The content is good.
Strategic Negotiation, 2007 ( - $135) is aimed at senior managers and takes an organizational perspective.
!! The New Negotiating Edge, Gavin Kennedy Nicholas Berkley, 1998, paperback ( $30). This book presents a simple, powerful trading strategy for negotiation -- vividly supported by a color analogy. The ideas are not really new, but the presentation of them is excellent.
Other books by Gavin Kennedy include: The Essential Negotiator, The Perfect Negotiation, Profitable Negotiation and Kennedy on Negotiation. In this last book (pub. 1997, $120) Kennedy critiques some competing theories and models from authors such as John Nash, Walton and McKersie, Atkinson, Nierenberg, Rubin and Brown, Karrass, Gottschalk, and Fisher and Ury.
Roderick M. Kramer, David M. Messik, editors Negotiation as a Social Process: New Trends in Theory and Research, Sage Publications, 1995. One of the most interesting articles was "Fairness Versus Self-Interest, Asymmetric Moral Imperatives in Ultimatum Bargaining" by J. Keith Murnighan (author of Bargaining Games, q.v.) and Madan M. Pillutla. The book has an Appendix with brief biographies of the 27 contributors, a veritable "Who’s Who" of negotiation researchers -- unfortunately dated now.
Richard Ned Lebow, The Art of Bargaining John Hopkins 1996. The book stems from a five week negotiating course held at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. It offers an interesting criticism of the key concept, "principled bargaining" of Roger Fischer and Harold Ury´s classic, Getting to Yes.
Roy J. Lewick, Alexander Hiam, Karen Wise Olander, Think Before You Speak, A Complete Guide to Strategic Negotiation, Wiley, 1996. A strength of this book is the coverage of third party help in Chapter 11, including discussion of arbitration and mediation, two subjects conspicuous by their absence in many negotiating books. However this book has been superceded by the significantly better one below.
!! Roy J. Lewick, Alexander Hiam, The Fast Forward MBA in Negotiating and Deal Making, of the portable MBA series, Wiley, 1991, (paperback, $5). This book is a rewritten, repackaged edition of Think Before You Speak. It covers most of what Karrass does in the bible, with better graphics and layout. Furthermore it is a tall, narrow paperback that fits nicely into your attaché case. Use Karrass and Kennedy to prepare at the office, and take the Fast Forward along with you to meetings.
Brad McRae, Negotiating and Influencing Skills, The Art of Creating and Claiming Value, Sage Publications, 1997. The author, a Canadian PhD in Psychology, explains his P.R.I.C.E (pinpoint, record, intervene, coach and evaluate) method used in his seminars, and gives some good sources, including an annotated bibliography of 13 books, in which he strongly recommends William Ury´s Getting Past No.
! Mark H. McCormack, On Negotiating Dove, 1995 (paperback, $6) McCormack is the attorney who founded IMB, the agency which has managed athletes such as Arnold Palmer, Jean-Claude Killy, Bjorn Borg, Alberto Tomba and Andre Agassi. At the time of writing, the agency had 2,000 employees. McCormack emphasizes practical examples out of his own business experience. The book is a good supplement to Karrass and Kennedy.
Don R. McCreary, Communication Strategies in Japanese-American Negotiations, University of Delaware PhD thesis, 1984. The author, whose wife is Japanese, emphasizes linguistic and cultural aspects.
! Robert Mnookin, Bargaining with the Devil, When to Negotiate, When to Fight, Simon & Schuster 2010 ( $18) Robert Mnookin is a Professor at Harvard Law School and chairs its Program on Negotiation (PON). The book gives an historical excurse to some compelling negotiations in Part II, "global devils" (the Nazis, Apartheid) and Part III, "business devils" (the software war between IBM and Fujitsu). Less compelling was Part IV, "family devils," which dealt with people who are not household names. More interesting would have been to have used prominent (celebrity) examples for this section also. This minor caveat aside, this book is both enjoyable and highly educational.
J. Keith Murnighan, Bargaining Games. Chapter 6 gives an excellent description of "The Ultimatum Game."
Gerard I. Nierenberg, The Art of Negotiating, Psychological Strategies for Gaining Advantageous Bargains, Hawthorn Books, 1968 (Library of Congress 68-307-20). Chapter V gives a good treatment of hidden assumptions. Chapter VI sets Abraham Maslow´s hierarchy of needs (from his classic Motivation and Personality, 1954) in a negotiating context. Chapter IX presents some interesting negotiating techniques. The author, an attorney, founded The Negotiating Institute in 1966, a training company discussed at Trainers above. The book has been revised as The New Art of Negotiating, How to Close Any Deal, 2009 (paperback, $11).
Howard Raiffa, The Art and Science of Negotiation, Harvard U. Press, 1982. This book stems from a course on competitive decision making at Harvard Business School. It is not overly quantitative, although it does touch on statistics (game theory, decision trees). Three noteworthy negotiations which are treated are: 1) Panama Canal in 1974, 2) Carter, Anwar-el Sadat, and Menachem at Camp David (for which the latter two shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978) and 3) the 160 nation Law of the Sea Treaty.
Leo Reilly, How to Outnegotiate Anyone, Even a Car Dealer! Adams Media, 1994. Reilly is a California attorney and negotiating trainer has written a good short (130 pages) book. An interesting part of it is an excellent guide on how to buy a new car in the U.S.
Bernard A. Ramundo, Effective Negotiation: a Guide to Dialogue Management and Control, Quorum Books, 1992. There are good, brief comments about the role of "Mr. Inside" and "Mr. Outside", about concessions, bootstrapping issues, and packaging the deal.
Jeswald W. Salacuse, The Global Negotiator, Making, Managing, and Mending Deals Around the World in the Twenty-First Century, Macmillan, 2003. The author is a Professor of Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Harvard Program on Negotiations. He has lived abroad and has extensive international experience. A strength of the book is the attention it pays to managing the deal after it has been made.
Richard D. Shell, Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People, Viking Penguin, 1999. The author directs the negotiation program at Wharton. Among his publications is the well-known article with the provocative title "When Is It Legal to Lie in Negotiations?" in the Sloan Management Review. In this book he elaborates on his approach of Information-Based Bargaining, based on Six Foundations: 1) personal bargaining style, 2) goals and expectations, 3) authoritative standards and norms, 4) relationships, 5) the other party’s interests and 6) leverage.
II. Supplemental Bibliography (works not read)
Although the resources below have not been read or viewed, their inclusion here is not random. They have been recommended by acquaintances or referred to favorably in other publications. Those marked with an asterisk (*) will be ordered and annotated as time allows.
25 Role Plays for Negotiation Skills, Ira Asherman and Sandy Asherman. Amherst, Mass., Human Resource Development Press, 1995.
American Bar Association Satellite Seminar on Negotiation - Can You Trust Your Instincts? Chicago, Illinois, American Bar Association, 1985.
Curriculum for Negotiation and Conflict Management: Instructor´s Manual, Elaine M. Landry, Deborah M. Kolb, and Jeffrey Z. Rubin. Cambridge, Mass., Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School, 1991.
* Gain the Edge: Negotiating to Get What You Want, Martin Latz, 2004 ( $11)
Getting Past No, Negotiating with Difficult People, William Ury 1991 (superceded by his book The Power of No, 2007, cf. below.)
Getting Ready to Negotiate: The Getting to Yes Workbook, Roger Fisher and Danny Ertel, New York, Penguin Books, 1995.
How People Negotiate: Resolving Disputes in Different Cultures, Guy Oliver Fauer, 2003, (paperback, $70)
I Win, You Win: The Essential Guide to Principled Negotiation, Carl Lyons. London: A & C Black, 2007.
The Little Book of Strategic Negotiations: Negotiating During Turbulent Times, Jayne Seminare Docherty, Intercourse, Pa. Good Books, 2005.
Negotiate to Close, How to Make More Successful Deals, Gary Karrass, 1987. He is the son of Chester Karras, and runs the Karras negotiating seminar business started by his father. This book is one of the few on negotiating written with salesmen specifically in mind.
Negotiating with Giants: Get What You Want against the Odds, Peter D. Johnston, Victoria, BC, Negotiation Press, 2008.
The Negotiation Handbook, Patrick J. Cleary, Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe, 2001.
The Negotiation Sourcebook, edited by Ira and Sandy Asherman, Amherst, Mass., Human Resources Development Press, 2001.
Negotiation Theory and Practice